About the site

We’re a thriving 19 hectare site in the Heath area of Cardiff. We have over 200 plots of varying sizes, ranging from a 4 perch to 11 perch (1 perch = 25 square metres). See the site map here.

We have a range of facilities including tarmac roads, water troughs, a toilet block and a well-stocked allotment shop.

Allensbank allotments are run on a voluntary basis under a locally managed agreement with Cardiff Council. The purpose of the committee is to manage the site for the benefit and enjoyment of the members, to support plot-holders and to promote community and social values within and beyond the allotment.

The Committee

The committee members take on a number of roles, from site management, liaising with the council and arranging plot viewings, to running the allotment shop, maintaining paths, and keeping the allotment facilities clean and usable.

With the addition of new members, we hope to have the extra capacity to begin new initiatives, to hold more community events and to maintain this website for our plot holders to share their experiences of the allotment and their favourite recipes using their homegrown produce.

If you have any ideas for the allotments please just give one of us a wave or pop into the site shop.

We are:

Site Secretary - David (Plot 43)

Chair - Koulla (Plot 121)

Treasurer - Andrew (Plot 26)


Philippa (Plot 44)

Les (Plot 122)

Rhiannon (Plot 40)

Jon (Plot 26)

Rhydian (Plot 30)

Sarah (Plot 37)

Hamad (Plot 68)

Simon (Plot 85)

Get involved

If you’re looking to get an allotment, please visit the Outdoor Cardiff website to join the waiting list.

If you’re already an allotment holder, but would like to get more involved with the wildflower garden or have ideas for community events - please just pop your head into the shop or give one of the committee a wave some time. We’re always looking for new ideas!

If you would like to share your photos, recipes, have ideas for the website or would like to help maintain and develop the website, you can contact us through our new website email address.